Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sandy City Half Pipe Story

I have lived at the same address in Sandy City for 13 years.
I wanted to get a backyard half pipe mini ramp to ride with my 7 kids.
After spending $930 in fees, and doing months of paper work, we now can finally scooter in our own backyard.
I wanted to share the story of my journey to be allowed to have a half pipe in my own backyard.

The CUP (Conditional Use Permit)
I first looked online to find out if their were any regulations about having a half pipe.
It turns out, Sandy City has many laws about half pipe ramps.

The first permit I needed was called a Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
The penalty for not getting a CUP permit seemed severe.

It shall be a Class C misdemeanor for any owner of residential property upon which a halfpipe ramp is located to permit the half-pipe ramp to be used in violation of any ordinance of Sandy City or any rule or regulation of the Salt Lake Valley Health Department, regardless of whether the property owner had knowledge of the actual violation.
(Ord 15-25, Amended 7-21-2015)

I began to gather the necessary documents to request the CUP permit.
The first thing I needed was to talk to my neighbors.
I also needed proof that I actually talked to them.

CUP Requirement 5. Neighborhood Notification
The names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed half-pipe ramp proof that all such owners have been notified of the proposed half-pipe ramp, have had an opportunity to comment, and a written statement indicating any comments received by the applicant from them.

I used an online map to draw a circle with a 300 foot radius.
I walked around and attempted to get signed comments from over 30 houses.
People assumed I was a salesman,
so getting them to sign a document was incredibly difficult.
After about a week of knocking on doors, I was able to get 26 comments.

The Comments
  • I am fine with scooter ramps
  • A halfpipe is fine with me
  • I'm totally cool with a ramp
  • I dont care
  • It's fine with me to build half pipe for their children
  • It's ok with us to build halfpipe in his backyard to use with his kids.
  • No concerns about ramp.
  • scooter is fine
  • Sounds Great
  • We are the closest to where they want to put the half-pike. We are totally fine with it
  • I don't have any issues with the neighbors putting in a skate half pipe
  • We have no objections to having a scooter ramp on their property
  • It's fine with me if my neighbor builds a half-pipe in his backyard to use only with his children.
  • We are good with it
  • Seems okay whtn it is in their backyard
  • We herd about the halfpipe and are super excited for it. We hope they get it put in. We wanna come over and skate too!
  • I am ok with skate ramp in his back yard
  • I feel they are responsible people. I feel that it would be fine. I have no issues and approve him to build it.
  • No problem c̄ skate ramp (c̄ is a medical term for the word with)
  • We have no issues with this
  • We are ok with this
  • We are ok with the skate ramp
  • We dont mind a half-pipe in his backyard
  • Let them put it in! Please!
  • For private use, a half-pipe in the back is fine!
  • His backyard is his backyard - No Concerns

CUP Requirement 1. Drawings.
Drawings showing the scale, design, and materials of which the half-pipe ramp is to be built. This is to evaluate the noise, vibration, and nuisance impact of the half-pipe ramp.

Luckily, the company I was looking at purchasing the half pipe from created the drawing.
The CAD was to scale, and even included dimensions.

CUP Requirement 2. Description.
A written description of the materials and location of all screening to evaluate the halfpipe ramp's impact upon and harmony with adjacent properties.

The ramp will be fabricated from steel.
The support structure will be made from steel tubing,
and the surface will be 3/16" steel plates.
The safety railing will be a fence made from steel tubing.
The ramp will be welded together.
It will be painted to prevent rust.
The paint will be a light color, so that it absorbs less heat.
Steel was selected as a building material because it can survive outside.
Wood was not selected because it soaks up water and becomes warped, and ruined.
A Concrete estimate of the same ramp, was over twice the cost of steel.

CUP Requirement 3. Lighting.
A written description of the scale, location, and direction of all lighting.

All lighting will face east or south east towards the back of my house.
I do not plan on needing lighting during the summer months.
In the winter, the lighting will only be used during the allowed hours of operation.
The lighting will be provided from lights used in residential applications.
It will not be on the same scale as the bright stadium lights from
Crescent Community Park, which shine into my backyard.
In the front of my house, there is already bright lighting provided by a street light.

CUP Requirement 4. Rules.
A set of written rules which will govern the use and operation of the half-pipe ramp

The Rules
  1. Wear a helmet.
  2. Be nice
  3. Have Fun
  4. No skating or riding when wet, raining, snowing or during maintenance periods.
  5. Graffiti is illegal and will not be tolerated.
  6. No competitive events are allowed.
  7. No Swearing
  8. No Smoking
  9. No Alcohol
  10. Yield to princess scooters

I submitted my permit request to Sandy City.
I spoke to the city planner in charge of my subdivision.
He said Sandy City was going to send out Neighborhood Notifications to every house within 500 feet of my house.
The notification letter would invite my neighbors to a neighborhood meeting.
Two weeks after the neighborhood meeting, Sandy City would send out more Neighborhood Notifications, inviting my neighbors to a public hearing.
The city planner would write a memorandum, of the CUP request that included a recommendation on how whe planning commission should vote.
At the hearing, the Sandy City Planning Commission would vote to decide if I could have the CUP permit.
I had to pay $200.

I thought the rules for a backyard ramp were extreme, but I personally thought the city planner honestly cared about Sandy City. He seemed happy to see that I had already collected neighborhood comments.

Notice Of Neighborhood Meeting
On Tuesday July 23, 2019 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in Room 220 at Sandy City Hall (10000 Centennial Parkway) the Sandy City Community Development Department will hold a neighborhood meeting. The applicant, will be applying for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a 496 sq. ft. half pipe ramp that is 5 ft. in height on the property located [my address]. This meeting will be held to discuss the application, and allow for public input.

This item is scheduled to be heard by the Sandy City Planning Commission on August 1, 2019. A future notice will be mailed to you prior to that date to notify you of that public meeting.

If you have questions or comments concerning this proposal, please attend this neighborhood meeting, or please contact [city planner name], at [city planner phone] or by email at [city planner email]. This courtesy notice is being sent to known property owners within 500 feet of this proposal. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested.
Thank you,

To Be Continued ...

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Sandy City Half Pipe Story

I have lived at the same address in Sandy City for 13 years. I wanted to get a backyard half pipe mini ramp to ride with my 7 kids. ...